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  • Cleaning Solutions

7 Robotic Solution Trends in Hospitality Industry You May Have Missed!

December 28, 2022

Hospitality is another industry that has been positively affected by recent technological breakthroughs in the field of robotics. Challenges faced by the hospitality industry, such as labor shortages and increased demands for cleanliness, are being addressed with robotic solutions such as autonomous delivery and cleaning. As technological progress in the robotic industry is accelerating these days, hotel and restaurant business owners should expect new developments in autonomous services coming every year.

In this article, we’ll take a look at 7 robotic solution trends and breakthroughs in the hospitality industry that happened already but you may have missed!

1. Delivery robots just got more “sensitive”!

It’s been a while since autonomous robots got equipped with cameras and lidars for high-accuracy environmental perception and navigation. Recently, the new generation of delivery service robots has taken their sensory abilities further by acquiring one more perception channel.

Smart trays of Delivery X1 Pro are equipped with weight sensors that perceive the pressure of loading objects. If the load is emptied by the customer, the robot can sense this as well and autonomously proceed with the next tasks. By becoming more “sensitive” the new generation of service robots can perform their tasks more efficiently and communicate with clients in a more interactive manner!

2. Mastering the third dimension.

automatic floor cleaner Phantas waiting for elevator

Another step being taken by automatic floor cleaners these days is the ability to use elevators. Having mastered horizontal navigation on one floor, autonomous robots can now move in three dimensions and clean multiple floors.

Depending on the elevator setup there are generally two methods of autonomous robot and elevator integration.

  1. Hardware method that integrates the lift-control system with the robot’s control box.
  2. API method which is done through cooperation of autonomous cleaner with the lift-system integrator by releasing the robot API to it.

Equipped with an elevator integration function that allows autonomous cleaning of multiple floors, the robotic floor cleaners have become even more effective and efficient.

3. The new generation of autonomous robots keeps exercising their autonomy.

robotic floor cleaner with docking station

Instead of blindly following the tasks that operators program for them, a new generation of autonomous robots can select and perform actions independently to increase the overall service impact. E.g., Industry leaders such as Scrubber 50 will autonomously pause their tasks to connect with a workstation station if the battery charge is low or if a water refill is needed. After the battery is recharged and the water tank is full, the robot will resume its original task. Lower maintenance offered by the integration of a robotic solution with docking stations frees up human staff and allows them to delegate their time to more meaningful tasks! Auto Spot Cleaning is another technology that takes the autonomy of today’s service robots one step further. Keep reading to learn more about it!

4. More autonomy – more efficiency!

commerical floor cleaner Phantas performing Auto Spot Cleaning

Today’s cleaning robots can adjust their routes and focus their cleaning efforts on certain areas of your site to improve overall efficiency.

A new, groundbreaking technology powered by deep-learning-based algorithms takes autonomous solutions to the next level. Called Auto Spot Cleaning, it allows a robot to scan the cleanliness of the nearby floor and autonomously perform spot cleaning where the waste is detected.

Instead of wasting water, energy, and other consumables by “aimless” cleaning, the truly autonomous robots will clean only when and where it is needed and will bring up to 400% efficiency improvement by significantly reducing the consumption of resources.

5. A delivery process designed specifically for the hospitality industry.

In the hospitality industry, it is not enough to be just smart, you also need to be neat and precise. The new generation of delivery robots is equipped with automotive-level independent suspension chassis that creates a superb shock mitigation effect for smooth and stable delivery of drinks or liquid dishes. By offering a stable, spill-proof delivery process designed specifically for the hospitality industry, today’s service robots can offer your customers neat and tidy catering.

6. A unique experience that is worth sharing on social media.

Establishing a solid social media presence for a hotel or restaurant is critical as guests become more vocal online. To share the unique moments of their experience, guests post photos, videos, and reviews on social media apps and online traveling platforms.

TripAdvisor reports that delivery robots have the biggest positive impact on hotels[1]! Guests are continuously posting videos and photos of delivery robots, as well as giving high marks for service improvements provided by autonomous solutions.

High-tech robotic solutions provide more than just higher standards of catering or cleaning, they elevate the overall guest experience by offering a unique experience, which is worth sharing on social media!

7. When it comes down to user experience, simplicity is the key!

Don’t get overwhelmed by all the functions and features listed above! When it comes down to user experience, simplicity is the key!

Industry-leading autonomous solutions feature a hassle-free deployment process that is done via the touchscreen and mobile app. The deployment of new robots does not require a professional programming engineer or external tools or scanning location markers for the assistance of positioning.

At the same time operation via mobile application allows you to monitor and control the actions of your commercial floor cleaner from anywhere, anytime.


Trends in the hospitality industry might come and go but the overall shift towards the use of cleaning and service robots is inevitable. To learn how you can apply a robotic solution to your business please follow to out TALK TO AN EXPERT page!



