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Corporate Social Responsibility Statement


Gausium’s vision is “to lead the smart digital transformation of the service industries with continuous innovations, and empower more people in the world to work smarter and lead happier lives with the products and services we provide”. We see sustainability as a management tool, which brings us closer to the realization of this vision and increases the positive effects on society and the environment in which we operate.

Gausium operates according to advanced principles of corporate governance and corporate responsibility. We are committed to ensuring that our business is conducted based, among other things, on values of business and professional ethics, responsibility and transparency.



We incorporate environmental considerations, from the planning stage of a project to the end of our involvement in the project. We regularly review the scope of water, energy and consumables use of our products, and constantly investigate innovative ways to improve energy efficiency and reduce the consumption of resources, delivering additional environmental benefits to influence staff, suppliers and customers in supporting environmental protection and improvements.

Human Rights

Human Rights

Human rights are the natural, civil and social rights that every person has by virtue of being a person. Gausium respects and supports the guiding principles of the United Nations on human rights, as well as other international human rights treaties. Gausium condemns any violation of human rights and considers the violation of human rights a failure that is not consistent with the policy, value and ethical code of our company.



We treat all groups and individuals with whom we have a business relationship in a fair, open and respectful manner, and encourage our customers and vendors to give feedback on our performance and ensure that all comments are analyzed, responded to and where appropriate, acted upon.

We ensure that all our documentation about the business and its activities are clear, informative, legal, decent, honest and truthful. We are open about our products and services, and will listen to our customers in order to help us improve the products and services we offer to them.



Gausium works with suppliers who actively demonstrate our core values of professional ethics, responsibility and transparency and share our ethos in relation to employment practices, product quality and environmental controls, with a high regard for human rights in mind is of the utmost importance. We support innovation throughout the supply chain to deliver lower cost and higher quality goods and services, and reduce environmental impact where possible.



Gausium supports diversity, fairness and equal opportunities in employment, and treat our employees with respect, dignity and equity by implementing inclusive, non-discriminatory staffing engagement practices. We empower our employees and managers to determine what to prioritize and deliver and take actions even beyond compliance threshold. We strive to create a safe and accident-free work environment, and provide ongoing support and resources for the wellbeing and continual development of our people.