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Tencent Beijing HQ Sets New Standard with Gausium Scrubber 50 Pro

October 20, 2022


Tencent is a world-leading Internet and technology company. Its Beijing Headquarters, completed in 2019, is known as “the largest single-unit office building in Asia”. Each floor can accommodate more than 2,000 employees.

Tencent Beijing Headquarters (cr: oma.com)

In the wake of the pandemic, the administration of the Tencent Beijing Headquarters immediately came up with new measures and practices to safeguard the health and safety of the employees. Among other things, cleaning has become a more demanding work to do. The hygiene and cleanliness standards have been raised, especially for the areas with high foot traffic such as the lobby area at the entrances.

Given the focus on in-depth cleaning, it would be difficult for the cleaning staff to perform day-to-day floor cleaning while enhancing efforts to carry out tasks like disinfectant fogging and disinfection of high-touch surfaces. However, the administration expected a higher-level of clean.



In June 2021, with the help of the Gausium technician, the building maintenance team of the Tencent Beijing Headquarters deploy 2 units of autonomous cleaning robot Scrubber 50 Pro at the ground floor lobby of the building.

After programming the routes, the robots started to clean the lobby floor on its own. When coming across a person or obstacle in their path, the robot would bypass the obstacle instantly. Equipped with AI cameras, Scrubber 50 Pro has advanced environmental perception.

The solution includes an add-on sprayer kit for sanitization, making the robot an effective multitasker that performs floor cleaning and atomizing disinfection simultaneously. The sanitization effect is guaranteed by the 5-micron mist spray nozzles, which apply the chemical disinfectant evenly to the environment and bring down floating aerosols to the floor.

Gausium’s autonomous floor cleaning robots require minimal training. With easy-to-understand controls, cleaning staff, permanent or temporary, are able to get up to speed with the machine after a quick demonstration. Moreover, they can remotely control and supervise the cleaning progress of the robot and receive detailed performance report via the Gausium mobile app.

In addition, two charging docks have been installed on the site to extend the robots’ uptime. When the robot is in low battery, it will autonomously return to the charging dock to perform power charging and resume the disrupted work when the charging completes. This reduces requirement for human intervention during its operation and ensures that the robotic cleaning process is fully autonomous and carefree.



It didn’t take long for the benefits to manifest themselves. Since the adoption of the Gausium autonomous cleaning solution, the building maintenance team saves hours of repetitive labor per week. Every afternoon, between 2 to 6 p.m., the two robots would clean the floors of the lobbies at the south and north entrances of the building.

The robotic floor cleaners work safely and efficiently alongside the employees while they attend to other tasks, helping them improve work efficiency while freeing them from the repetitive, time-consuming floor cleaning tasks. By transferring manual efforts to other areas of the building, in-depth cleaning can be performed without adding staff members. Robotic operation also guarantees the quality and consistency of cleaning performance and reduces damage to floors due to operator error.

Additionally, the appearance of Scrubber 50 Pro makes the Tencent employees feel more secure to return to office after the COVID-19 outbreak, and shows the administration’s concern for their health and safety.



Model: Scrubber 50 Pro (Sprayer)

Unit: 2

Operation: Dust Mopping & Atomizing Disinfection

Location: Tencent Beijing HQ ground floor lobbies (north & south entrances)

Coverage: 800 m² (south); 1,500 m² (north)

Duration & Shift : 4 hours, 5 shifts